adaptogeny - co to jest i czy warto wdrożyć je do swojej diety?
adaptogens - what are they and is it worth incl... adaptogens - what are they and is it worth incl...
Nature has equipped the human body with a number of mechanisms that allow it to adapt to changing conditions. Unfortunately, our possibilities in this area are limited and it often...
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tłuszcze nasycone i nienasycone – jaka jest różnica?
saturated and unsaturated fats – what is the di... saturated and unsaturated fats – what is the di...
Fats are one of those nutrients that doesn't get a lot of good press. Every now and then you come across opinions that you should eliminate them from your diet....
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jaką rolę w diecie pełnią węglowodany?
what role do carbohydrates play in the diet? what role do carbohydrates play in the diet?
A healthy and properly balanced diet should include three main macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Quite often, however, you can come across opinions that the first of these is a...
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jak wzmocnić odporność na jesień?
How to strengthen your immunity in autumn? How to strengthen your immunity in autumn?
When a page on the calendar announces the arrival of autumn, a difficult time begins for us. The days are getting shorter, the weather is changing from sunny to rainy,...
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zdrowe i niskokaloryczne przekąski do chrupania – co muszą zawierać? poznaj nasze propozycje!
healthy and low-calorie snacks - what must they... healthy and low-calorie snacks - what must they...
Snacks and a healthy, well-balanced diet - it may seem that these two concepts do not go hand in hand. Nothing could be further from the truth, because, contrary to...
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deficyt kaloryczny – co to jest?
caloric deficit – what is it? caloric deficit – what is it?
Calorie deficit is touted as one of the most effective weight loss methods. People who have used this nutritional strategy indicate that it does not lead to the yo-yo effect...
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ile posiłków dziennie jeść? co ile godzin powinno się je jeść?
how many meals to eat a day? every how many hou... how many meals to eat a day? every how many hou...
A healthy, properly balanced diet is crucial for the body. However, it should be strongly emphasized that it is not only what we eat that is important. The number of...
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jak suplementować kolagen? podpowiadamy!
how to supplement collagen? we give you a hint! how to supplement collagen? we give you a hint!
Joint pain, loss of skin firmness, brittle nails and hair loss - each of these symptoms may indicate that it's time to start collagen supplementation. However, quite often you can...
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nawodnienie organizmu, czyli ile wody i innych płynów pić dziennie?
hydration of the body, i.e. how much water and ... hydration of the body, i.e. how much water and ...
Maintaining a proper daily fluid intake balance is one of the key components of a healthy eating pattern. You can often hear the statement that "water is life". There is...
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białko – co to jest? rola i funkcje białek w organizmie – poznaj je!
protein – what is it? the role and functions of... protein – what is it? the role and functions of...
Protein, carbohydrates and fats - every meal is built on these three macronutrients. Today we will take a closer look at the first of them: the one without which life...
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