adaptogens - what are they and is it worth including them in your diet?

adaptogeny - co to jest i czy warto wdrożyć je do swojej diety?
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Nature has equipped the human body with a number of mechanisms that allow it to adapt to changing conditions. Unfortunately, our possibilities in this area are limited and it often happens that a number of external factors lead to homeostasis disruption. However, there are natural substances that help restore and maintain internal balance in the body. This is the so-called adaptogens. What is it and how do they work? You will find the answer to this question below.

In today's reality, stress factors accompany us at every step. We live in a polluted environment, our diet often does not meet all the body's needs, and we often neglect physical activity and rest. In addition, we are often subjected to strong pressure, which is typical of a demanding lifestyle. All this contributes to the disruption of homeostasis - the natural internal balance. Nature has equipped the human body with a number of mechanisms that allow it to partially adapt to functioning in difficult conditions. However, it is worth paying attention to the word "partly" here. Unfortunately, although close to perfection, our body is not perfect. Just as it cannot cope with some pathogens on its own, it is not able to completely neutralize all the effects of stress. To cope with this task, it needs support, and this is provided by adaptogens.

Adaptogens, what are they?

What are adaptogens? This term covers substances that increase the body's ability to adapt to unfavorable conditions in the environment. Their adaptogenic properties significantly increase tolerance to stress factors, both emotional and physical. How is this possible? We hasten to explain.

The effect of adaptogens in the area of ​​increasing adaptability is due to the impact that these substances have on the physiological mechanisms of the body. By strengthening natural immunity, tolerance to unfavorable factors increases, which is visible in the area of ​​somatic and mental health.

Adaptogens improve brain function (affecting concentration, memory and learning ability), have antioxidant properties and protect liver cells. By neutralizing unfavorable external factors, they restore the proper state of hormonal balance, cellular respiration, internal energy transformations and enzymatic reactions.

What does all this mean in practice? By influencing the areas mentioned above, adaptogens allow the body (in the physical and mental sphere) to respond faster and more efficiently to stressful stimuli to which it is exposed. This makes them easier to neutralize and cause less damage.

Which plants have adaptogenic properties?

Adaptogens can only be defined as substances that stimulate the immune system, reduce the activity of the central nervous system, increase exercise tolerance and have antioxidant properties. Some plants have adaptogenic effects. Below we list those that are best known by the world of science and whose beneficial properties have been confirmed.

  • Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha, or Ashwagandha, is a strong adaptogen. This plant is known for its tonic and anti-stress effect.

  • Ginseng.

The root of this extraordinary plant contains active substances that have antioxidant and immunostimulating properties. In addition, they have a positive effect on physical and mental condition.

  • Chinese Schisandra.

This plant is an extremely rich source of antioxidants. It is very useful in states of mental and physical exhaustion.

Other plants with adaptogenic properties include: Rhodiola rosea, astragalus, spiny eleutherococcus, centella asiatica, bacopa monnieri and MACA (Peruvian parsley).

Do adaptogens work?

This all sounds amazing, but do adaptogens work? Well, yes, and there is not even an ounce of exaggeration in this. The beneficial effects of these natural substances on the body were known many thousands of years ago, before our era even began. Today, in the era of advanced science, their effects have been confirmed by numerous studies.

However, it must be remembered that adaptogens do not stimulate homeostasis in people whose body functions properly. They restore natural balance only when it is disturbed under the influence of stress factors.

Adaptogen – where to look for beneficial substances?

An everyday diet, even a healthy and properly balanced one, does not provide us with many adaptogens. While in oriental cuisine plants with adaptogenic properties are used in many recipes, in our culinary tradition there are no such additives. So how to deliver these valuable substances to the body? There are two ways - starting supplementation or including ready-made meals developed by experts in the field of healthy eating in your menu.

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