how to lose weight – effective and healthy methods

jak schudnąć – skuteczne i zdrowe metody
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Overweight and obesity are becoming more and more serious problems. Statistics prove that the number of people with abnormal body weight increases every year. This is largely due to the modern lifestyle, which is dominated by haste, unhealthy diet and neglect of physical activity. It is worth realizing that problems with maintaining proper weight may lead to the occurrence of many chronic diseases. The old saying goes that prevention is better than cure. What to do to lose weight? How much weight can you lose in a month? What to eat on a diet? We answer these and other questions in this article.

The Internet is bursting at the seams with various diets, and their authors promise instant results. Each of them claims to have found the answer to the most important question of all: how to lose weight quickly? It is better to approach methods that are supposed to provide amazing results within a few weeks with a large dose of caution. While rapid weight loss is indeed possible, it should be strongly emphasized that such action can cause enormous harm.

Reduction – what is it?

When talking about weight loss, the word reduction appears most often. What is that?

When talking about reduction, we must mean actions leading to the reduction of fat tissue. They include both diet and physical activity. To sum up: reduction is simply losing weight and losing unnecessary kilograms.

How long should the reduction take?

It should be emphasized that the effect of losing unnecessary kilograms never occurs immediately. Improving your figure is a process that takes time. How long? How long should the reduction take? It depends. Many factors determine the rate of fat burning, including:

  • individual predispositions,
  • health,
  • physiological condition,
  • conscientiousness in following the diet,
  • degree of involvement in physical activity.

However, the chosen goal is crucial. There is no doubt that a person who wants to lose 4 kilograms will lose weight in a much shorter time than a person who wants to lose 40 kilograms. It should be noted, however, that in each case the reduction should be approached as a marathon, not as a sprint. It may happen that achieving a result will require several or even a dozen (or more) months of intensive work on yourself.

How to lose weight quickly – is quick weight loss possible?

“What loses weight the fastest? After all, waiting several months for the desired result seems like an eternity" - such a statement often appears in the context of the duration of the reduction. However, you should realize that when it comes to weight loss, the words "fast" and "safe" do not go hand in hand. Yes, you can reduce your body weight by double digits in a month, but this will do great harm to your body. Crash diets are based on creating an extreme calorie deficit and eliminating key nutrients, and this can have an impact on health.

So is there a safe diet to lose weight? Yes. If the topic of weight loss is approached with common sense, you can lose excess weight without any harm.

How to lose weight healthily?

Healthy weight loss does not involve literally starving the body. On the contrary, if you want to lose excess weight, your meals must provide an adequate supply of all the necessary nutrients. They must contain not only proteins, but also carbohydrates and fats, and in addition - all the necessary vitamins and minerals. At this point, the question may arise: "How to effectively lose weight without eliminating nutrients from the diet?" It's easier than you might think. So, what to do to lose weight?

How to lose weight – safe and effective methods

A slimming diet should include a slight caloric deficit. This concept refers to a condition in which fewer calories enter the body than the individual caloric requirement . It is important to emphasize here that this is not about an extreme deficit. How to lose weight? Just calculate your total calorie requirement and subtract 10-15%. However, it should be noted that each person has individual energy needs. First, you need to calculate your CPM (total metabolic rate).

It is worth supporting a reducing diet with physical activity. Regular exercise increases energy demand and has a beneficial effect on all processes that occur in the body.

It is also worth taking supplements in capsules , whose active ingredients support the fat burning process. eatyx HYPER DETOX 360 contains a specially selected set of vitamins, plant extracts and functional ingredients that accelerate metabolism and help remove toxins and excess water from the body.

Slimming diet – what can you eat?

Bearing in mind the fact that weight loss meals should contain a complete set of nutrients, it can be assumed that you can eat literally anything while losing weight. However, this is an oversimplification that introduces an erroneous suggestion. Dietary freedom does not lead to weight reduction, but to weight gain. What to eat to lose weight?

In addition to maintaining a negative energy balance, the key to success is healthy meals, free from added sugar, excess salt and other substances considered harmful . They must contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats balanced in the most favorable proportions, as well as vitamins and minerals.

What to drink to lose weight? The drinks allowed for reduction include: spring and mineral water, unsweetened tea (green and red are best, but black is also acceptable), unsweetened black coffee and natural juices (in moderation, due to the fructose content).

What not to eat to lose weight?

In addition to the permitted products, there are also those that should be avoided like the plague during weight loss. What not to eat to lose weight? Primarily sweets, sweet baked goods, wheat flour products, white rice, deep-fried foods, fast food, delicatessen products and other low-quality products full of empty calories.

In addition to maintaining a negative energy balance, the key to success is healthy meals, free from added sugar, excess salt and other substances considered harmful. They must contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats balanced in the most favorable proportions, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Reduction meals

Considering the above, you can come to the conclusion that you have to prepare meals for weight loss yourself, and not everyone can find time to cook. However, it should be emphasized here that a nutritious meal in powder or liquid form can replace any dish during the day, and its preparation takes literally a few moments. Take the eatyx meal replacement shake as an example. It contains all the necessary nutrients, 24 vitamins and minerals, and allows you to easily control the amount of calories supplied to the body. eatyx BALANCED COMPLETE MEAL READY TO EAT VANILLA 500ML does not require heat treatment and can be taken literally anywhere.