what to eat after training?

co jeść po treningu?
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Training should be, above all, pleasure, but we should not forget that it should also be effective. After all, we don't sweat so much just to not see results. The final effect is influenced not only by the correct performance of individual exercises. We must realize that our diet is equally important. What to eat after training? When to eat after training? How much to eat after training? In this article we answer each of these questions.

Training is a huge effort for the body, especially if we are only in the first phase of changing our lifestyle from passive to active. The fatigue we feel is the result of biochemical reactions that take place in our body. During the training phase, the body rapidly releases energy and replenishes the used reserves from available sources. In the post-training phase, he tries to rebuild these layers and repair the damage that has occurred in the area of ​​muscle tissue. This is why the post-workout meal is so important. What to eat after training? This is a good question, but other issues also require clarification. We must realize that the interval between training and a meal is also important and should be as short as possible. Of course, no one goes to the gym with a ready-made dinner, but a meal replacement shake will work just as well, maybe even better.

Why do you need to eat after training? The importance of a post-workout meal

What to eat after training in the evening and in the morning? Or maybe we should skip the post-workout meal? This seems quite logical, especially if our goal is to lose a few extra kilos. After all, the fewer calories we consume, the faster we lose weight, right? Well, no. If we do not provide our body with the necessary nutrients after intense exercise, we will not gain anything, but we will lose a lot.

Let's think for a moment what happens during exercise? Working muscles begin to use energy from sugars or fat (depending on the intensity of exercise). At the same time, micro-damage to muscle fibers occurs.

In the post-training phase, the body tries to repair the damage we mentioned earlier and rebuild energy reserves, i.e. muscle glycogen (including liver glycogen, which is used up during long-term activity, i.e. during endurance training). It needs nutrients for this. Our reserves that we have accumulated in the form of fat tissue are not enough.

What's the best thing to eat after training? It depends primarily on the type, intensity and duration of physical activity. The body of a person training to gain muscle mass has different requirements than those of a person who wants to lose weight or improve their fitness. Now that we know why you need to eat after training, let's consider: what to eat after strength training and what after cardio training

What to eat after cardio training?

Let's take the second of the mentioned activities first. What to eat after training to lose weight? In the first phase of aerobic training, the muscles are fueled by sugars. Only after approximately 30 minutes of activity in the aerobic heart rate area does the body draw on reserves from fat tissue.

Taking into account the specificity of such exercise, we must recognize that in this case the meal should contain primarily carbohydrates . It is advisable to eat a dish in which the balance of this macronutrient will predominate on the side of complex "carbs".

The meal should also contain proteins, because the muscles need regeneration after such activity.

Eatyx food for pouring boiling water perfectly meets these requirements. We have included everything that is best in our instant meals: carbohydrates and proteins distributed in favorable proportions, healthy fats and a set of essential microelements. This translates into extremely effective regeneration, and it tastes great.

What to eat after strength training?

Strength exercises have a completely different specificity than aerobic activity. What to eat after training to grow muscles? We hasten to explain.

The essence of strength training is to significantly load the muscles in short periods of time. Under such conditions, muscle fibers contract and relax. As a result, micro-damage to the tissue occurs. Don't worry, this is not a dangerous phenomenon (unless it is related to a sports injury) but desirable. The rebuilt fibers are larger and stronger. As a consequence, there is an increase in strength and muscle mass.

However, building processes will not take place if the body does not receive adequate fuel. The key nutrient in this case is protein, which is the basic building block of muscles .

A good choice after strength training will be a complete meal with eatyx powder . Our ready-made meals are rich in proteins, and the wide range of flavors offered will satisfy various tastes. The eatyx FULL-VALUE CHOCOLATE MEAL will appeal to all dessert lovers, as will the eatyx FULL-VALUE VANILLA MEAL . Traditionalists will love eatyx COMPLETE STRAWBERRY MEAL . We also have something for people who like taste experiments. Everyone who is looking for new culinary experiences should try the eatyx FULL-VALUE GREEN COFFEE MEAL .

How much to eat after training?

There are no specific recommendations regarding the volume and caloric value of the post-workout meal. How much energy we need to supply to the body depends on many factors, including:

  • intensity of the training unit,
  • training duration,
  • type of training,
  • chosen goal,
  • individual energy needs.

How much protein should you eat after training? This question also cannot be answered unambiguously. Experts recommend that with regular physical activity, especially that related to strength training, you should provide approximately 1.6 g of this macronutrient for each kg of body weight throughout the day.

However, we must remember that not only macronutrients are important, but also microelements that determine the proper course of metabolic processes in cells and support the nervous system. Therefore, a properly composed menu is not everything. Muscle supplements are equally important

When to eat after training?

To avoid catabolic processes and activate anabolic processes, the post-workout meal should be consumed as soon as possible. The upper time limit is 60-90 minutes.