Olej słonecznikowy
Sunflower oil Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil is a healthy fat rich in omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E. It supports the health of the heart, skin and immune system.
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Błonnik owsiany
Oat fiber Oat fiber
Oat fiber is a natural dietary supplement that supports the health of the digestive system and helps maintain a healthy weight. It is rich in soluble and insoluble fibers, which...
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Białko teksturowane z grochu
Textured pea protein Textured pea protein
Textured pea protein is a plant-based alternative to meat, rich in protein and fiber. Supports the health of muscles and the digestive system by providing valuable amino acids.
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Nuggetsy sojowe
Soy nuggets Soy nuggets
Soy nuggets are a healthy and tasty alternative to meat, rich in vegetable protein and fiber. They support the health of muscles and the digestive system.
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Olej z mikroalg
Microalgae oil Microalgae oil
Microalgae oil is a plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids that supports heart, brain and eye health. It is rich in DHA and EPA, which are necessary for the proper...
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Masło kakaowe
Cocoa butter Cocoa butter
Cocoa butter is a natural vegetable fat, rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids.
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Olej rzepakowy
Canola oil Canola oil
Rapeseed oil is a healthy and universal vegetable oil, rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It supports heart health, lowers cholesterol and is a source of vitamin E.
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Olej MCT (z kokosa)
MCT oil (from coconut) MCT oil (from coconut)
MCT oil from coconut is a healthy fat that provides quick energy and supports metabolism. It is easily digestible and does not accumulate as fat tissue.
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Pasta kakaowa
Cocoa paste Cocoa paste
Cocoa paste is an antioxidant-rich ingredient that adds an intense, chocolate flavor to dishes.
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Koncentrat białka serwatkowego (z mleka)
Whey protein concentrate (from milk) Whey protein concentrate (from milk)
Whey protein concentrate (from milk), or WPC, is a high-quality source of protein that supports muscle building, regeneration and overall body performance. It is rich in amino acids, including BCAA,...
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