
Kamil Suwala

My name is Kamil Suwała and I have been interested in dietetics since high school, when I actively practiced sports and wanted to achieve better results through proper nutrition and supplementation.

It all turned into such a passion that a few years later I quit sport and devoted all my time and life to learning dietetics. With great pleasure and willingness to deepen my knowledge, I went to study, which I proudly completed 5 years later as a master's degree with honors at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University.

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On the one hand, appetite is nothing bad - after all, it is a natural and physiological desire of the body, on the other hand, when the processes responsible for...
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dieta przeciwzapalna - na czym polega?
anti-inflammatory diet - what is it? anti-inflammatory diet - what is it?
Diet plays a huge role in both the prevention and management of many diseases. Additionally, it supports our quality of life, physical fitness and well-being. The anti-inflammatory diet has been...
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Collagen supplementation is experiencing a real revival. I remember a few years ago the opinions of experts who said that this should not work. Science is moving forward and we...
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kwasy omega 3-6-9
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Fats, although scary for many people because they are high in calories, are essential to our lives! However, we must be able to distinguish the types of fatty acids that...
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Nowadays, we come across meat substitutes at every step (especially in the supermarket). This is especially visible in the case of milk, or rather plant drinks, of which we currently...
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Juice detoxes - are they worth using? Juice detoxes - are they worth using?
In diet, as in life, we often look for shortcuts. One of such ways, we can safely say that the most popular, is the use of juice detox - vegetable,...
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kiedy warto sięgnąć po eatyx według dietetyka?
When is it worth taking Eatyx according to a di... When is it worth taking Eatyx according to a di...
Nowadays, most of us live in a constant rush. Education, work, the desire to constantly develop and achieve better results make us forget about the basics due to lack of...
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Q&A with a dietitian