HYPER BRAIN IQ Booster 100 ml

BOOSTER HYPER BRAIN IQis a high-quality dietary supplement in the form of a carbonated shot with a strawberry-apple flavor. Contains vitamins, minerals, glutamine and extracts of ashwagandha, ginkgo biloba and guarana.

  • He addsenergy,
  • increasevital forces,
  • eliminates the feelingfatigue and weariness,
  • at the same time it helpsstay focusedat an optimal level.

Lactose free
No gluten
No added sugar
Only 18 kcal
Concentration and focus
Healthy lifestyle
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HYPER BRAIN IQ BOOSTER is a modern and functional dietary supplement in the form of an energizing carbonated drink with a strawberry-apple flavor, which adds energy, improves concentration and mental performance, and reduces the feeling of fatigue and tiredness.

An intense lifestyle is everyday life for many of us. Regardless of whether you give your all at work, at school or in training, there may always be moments of low energy levels and loss of concentration. In such moments, it is worth reaching for proven and innovative dietary supplements that will provide your body with an additional dose of strengthening.

eatyx HYPER BRAIN IQ BOOSTER – for whom?

  • You work, train or study intensively.
  • You need an additional dose of energy quickly in a healthy form.
  • You want to support the functioning of your nervous system.
  • You want to supplement your daily diet with vitamins, minerals and health-promoting plant extracts.

eatyx HYPER BRAIN IQ BOOSTER – an energy boost straight from nature

HYPER BRAIN IQ BOOSTER is a carefully developed dietary supplement in the form of a carbonated drink. It contains a number of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and increase the overall efficiency and vitality of the body.

The magnesium contained in the product comprehensively supports the functioning of the nervous system. Potassium, in turn, regulates the functioning of the brain and muscles and ensures proper water and electrolyte management. Another important ingredient of HYPER BRAIN IQ is vitamin B6 , which supports the absorption of magnesium, increases immunity and reduces the feeling of fatigue. The dietary supplement also contains glutamine , which is necessary for the proper functioning and growth of muscles.

HYPER BRAIN IQ is not only vitamins and minerals, but also carefully selected plant extracts . It contains ashwagandha extract , a root that has been used in natural Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Ashwagandha has a comprehensive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, adds energy, vitality and helps focus. Its action is enhanced by guarana extract (containing natural caffeine) , which stimulates, improves performance and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The ginkgo biloba extract contained in the product improves the functioning of the circulatory system and blood circulation. This, in turn, ensures better oxygenation of brain cells, which results in increased brain efficiency and better concentration. It also results in improved thinking speed and learning efficiency.

eatyx HYPER BRAIN IQ BOOSTER – to strengthen the body

The comprehensive composition of HYPER BRAIN IQ BOOSTER from eatyx has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. The drink gives you energy and helps you focus, and it tastes great. It is an excellent dietary supplement for those who need quick and effective strengthening.

The product has a positive effect on mental performance and does not contain lactose, gluten, glucose-fructose syrup or artificial colors . It is 100% vegan and contains 20% fruit juice. Its original and innovative recipe based on vitamin and mineral complexes combined with a unique combination of plant extracts makes it a functional element of everyday care for health and well-being.

Composition and nutritional values

Suplement diety. Gazowany napój o smaku poziomkowo-jabłkowym z guaraną, ginkgo biloba i witaminami. Zawiera substancję słodzącą. Pasteryzowany. Składniki: woda; sok jabłkowy z zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego (20%); kwas: kwas cytrynowy; L-glutamina; ekstrakt miłorzębu japońskiego (gingko biloba L.) ekstrakt guarany (Paullinia Cupana Kunth); aromaty; ekstrakt ashwaganda (Withania somnifera l.); cytrynian magnezu  sole magnezowe kwasu cytrynowego); dwutlenek węgla; cytrynian potasu (potas); substancje słodzące: sukraloza, acesulfam K; substancje konserwujące: benzoesan sodu, sorbinian potasu; chlorowodorek pirydoksyny (witamina B6). Przed otwarciem delikatnie wstrząsnąć. Tworzenie się osadów jest zjawiskiem naturalnym. Zalecana dzienna dawka produktu: 1 buteleczka (100 ml). Nie należy przekraczać zalecanej do spożycia porcji w ciągu dnia. Suplement diety nie może być stosowany jako substytut zróżnicowanej diety. Nie zamrażać. Pić schłodzony. Przechowywać w suchym i chłodnym miejscu, w sposób niedostępny dla małych dzieci. Najlepiej spożyć przed: datę i numer partii produkcyjnej podano na nakrętce.

Nutritional value in

100 ml (portion)

Energy value

75kJ / 18kcal

including saturated fatty acids


including sugars








Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals

100 ml (portion)


281 mg (75%)


323 mg (16.8%)


240 mg

Ashwagandha extract

100 mg

Guarana extract

140 mg

including caffeine

14 mg

Vitamin B6

1.1 mg (75%)

Ginkgo biloba extract

200 mg

*% of the daily reference intake for an adult

Delivery and payment

Parcels are delivered by couriers or to InPost parcel lockers.

Shipping costs are:

PLN 15 - for orders up to PLN 149 to InPost parcel lockers
PLN 25 - for orders up to PLN 149 by InPost courier
PLN 0 - for orders over PLN 149

The standard delivery time for an order is 1 to 3 business days. This is the time needed to record the money, prepare the package and deliver it. If your delivery status has not changed for 3 business days and the courier company has not contacted you, please let us know. This way, we will be able to check the location of your shipment as quickly as possible and, if necessary, search for it.

Delivery in 2 days
Fast payments and BLIK
Courier or pickup at a parcel locker
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mniej CO2

Troska o zdrowie Twojej i naszej planety.

Pełnowartościowy posiłek eatyx emituje nawet 82% mniej CO2 niż produkcja i przygotowanie jednego z najpopularniejszych dań – kotleta schabowego z ziemniakami, groszkiem i marchewką.*

*kotlet schabowy (ok. 70g) + ziemniak gotowany (ok. 70g) + marchewka z groszkiem z puszczki konserwowa (2 łyzki) + masło (1.5 łyżeczki)

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