what is a calorie deficit - a calorie requirement calculator for people on a reduction and not only

czym jest deficyt kaloryczny – kalkulator zapotrzebowania kalorycznego dla osób na redukcji i nie tylko
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Article update: 08/08/2024

Negative calorie balance is praised as one of the most effective methods of losing weight. People who have used this nutritional strategy indicate that it does not lead to the yo-yo effect and loss of muscle mass. This is confirmed by professional dietitians, who recommend calorie deficit as a safe and effective technique for reducing body weight. However, it is important to know that effectiveness and safety can only be discussed when the person losing weight follows specific rules. What is a calorie deficit? How to calculate your calorie deficit? How long can you be in a calorie deficit? In this article, we answer each of these questions.

The internet is full of increasingly sophisticated diets that promise instant results. Most of them have nothing to do with a healthy, rational eating pattern. Weight loss is primarily intended to improve health, and changing your figure is best treated as a bonus. So what is the point of losing weight if it actually ruins your body and usually ends with the yo-yo effect? ​​Fortunately, you don't have to resort to drastic diets to effectively get rid of those extra pounds. All you need to do is decide on a calorie deficit. What is it and how to implement this eating strategy? How to be in a calorie deficit?

What is a calorie deficit in the diet - calorie requirements for reduction

"What is a calorie deficit?" "Energy deficit - what is it?" Many people who are just starting their weight loss adventure ask themselves such or similar questions. It's high time to dispel all doubts on this issue.

A calorie deficit is a state in which the daily calorie supply is lower than the body's energy requirements. Under normal conditions, the daily calorie intake should provide energy for all processes. The essence of a negative balance is to force the body to reach for energy reserves, stored in the form of fat tissue.

It should be strongly emphasized that a diet that includes a deliberate calorie deficit is not an elimination strategy, i.e. one that involves a significant reduction or complete elimination of a specific macronutrient. On the contrary, the essence of this method of weight loss is the regular consumption of properly balanced meals. As a result, the body receives everything it needs to function properly.

However, it must not be forgotten that deliberately causing a negative energy balance is not a "miracle diet" that will allow you to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms. This method is more like a marathon than a sprint, but that is precisely where its effectiveness lies. A person who is losing weight loses weight slowly and gradually. At the same time, they change their eating habits. All this means that the probability of the yo-yo effect is minimal in this case.

How to calculate calorie deficit (negative calorie balance)? Use eatyx calorie calculator (PPM, CPM, BMI)

Above, we explained what a calorie deficit is. We also pointed out the key assumptions of this weight loss technique. Below, we answer another important question: how much should a calorie deficit be? To be able to answer this, you first need to consider how to calculate a calorie deficit. Why?

Simply indicating the value of the calorie deficit is not enough. Each person has an individual energy requirement. To put it simply, the answer to the question: "What deficit for cutting?" depends on who asks it. An actively training bodybuilder who wants to sculpt muscles has different requirements than a slightly overweight woman or an obese man who leads a passive lifestyle.

You can do all the calculations yourself according to the schedule below, but a faster solution is to use the ready-made eatyx calorie calculator . It will show you how many calories you should consume to achieve your goal, while indicating your level of activity.

How to calculate calorie needs to increase muscle mass or when weight loss is important to us?

You should start by establishing two basic parameters. They are:

  • basal metabolic rate (BMR), i.e. the amount of energy necessary to maintain vital functions (e.g. breathing) at rest,
  • degree of physical activity (on a scale from 1.2 to 2.4).

This information will allow you to calculate your total metabolic rate (CPM), but let's start from the beginning. The formula for PPM:

  • BMR for women = (10 x body weight in kilograms) + [(6.25 x height in centimeters) – (5 x age in years)] – 161,
  • Male BMR = (10 x body weight in kilograms) + [(6.25 x height in centimeters) – (5 x age in years)] + 5.

Physical activity factor:

  • 1.2-1.3 – for sick, disabled and bedridden people,
  • 1.4 – for people with a low level of activity,
  • 1.6 – for people with a moderate degree,
  • 1.75 – for people leading an active lifestyle,
  • 2.0 – for people with a very active lifestyle,
  • 2.2-2.4 – for people practicing sports professionally.

CPM is the product of PPM and the physical activity coefficient. The result of this operation indicates the energy requirement necessary to maintain the current body weight and allows for calculating the calorie deficit. According to experts, the negative balance of the number of calories should not exceed 500-600 kcal per day.

Large calorie deficit – consequences

Too few calories means too little energy, macro- and micronutrients. This in turn can lead to a weakening of the body, a decrease in immunity, a deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, and many other undesirable effects. There should be a healthy moderation in everything, and a calorie deficit is no exception to this rule.

How to calculate calorie deficit – formula: CPM – 500 kcal.

Too much calorie deficit on a reducing diet is bad – so how to start and what to eat?

You should start by planning your meals. It is best to eat five meals a day, at fixed or similar times. We realize that calculating the value of self-prepared meals can be difficult. Fortunately, eatyx products come to the rescue here: bottled food and other ready meals.

For those who want to lose weight, bar meals andmeal replacement shakes are the perfect solution. The exact calorie value for 100 g/ml and one portion is indicated on the packaging of each product. This allows you to precisely manage your calorie intake and macronutrients. For example , eatyx full-value ready-to-eat meal with a mango flavor has 303 kcal in one portion.

There is no need to worry about nutritional monotony (which is the biggest enemy of any diet), because our offer includes several flavor variants of ready-made meals, both liquid and for self-preparation.

    How long can you be in an energy deficit?

    Long-term negative calorie balance is not recommended, as a diet that lasts too long can cause adverse hormonal changes. What is the optimal time? Up to 16 weeks. If further weight loss is necessary, after this period, take a 4-week break.

    Is a Calorie Deficit Enough to Lose Weight? Physical Activity Helps Lose Weight

    Is a calorie deficit alone (consuming fewer calories) enough to achieve your desired body mass, lose weight and reduce body fat? Yes, but you have to remember that it will be quite a long process. What are the results of a negative calorie balance? The effects of this strategy are a weight loss of about 0.5 kg per week (depending on the level of the negative balance). The reduction can be accelerated by combining the diet with regular practice of your favorite sport.

    And what if the problem is: "I'm in deficit, but my weight is the same"? In that case, we recommend consulting a doctor, because an incorrect body weight may be a symptom of an illness.