what to take to eat on holiday?

co zabrać do jedzenia na wakacje?
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Holidays - a time of long-awaited rest from everyday affairs. When going on vacation, we want to use literally every moment as best as possible. Waiting every day for a free table in a restaurant is a clear waste of time. By taking your own provisions on a holiday trip, you can gain a lot, and it's not only about saving time, but also money. What to take with you on holiday to meet your body's needs and take care of your health at the same time? Below we list some interesting suggestions.

Some travelers like to get to know the world from behind the scenes by practicing culinary tourism. However, a typical holiday trip is focused on completely different pleasures. Visiting historic buildings, getting to know charming places, blissful relaxation on a sunny beach - this is how we most often like to spend our holidays. All good things come to an end, so while on vacation it is worth using every available moment to take home memories that will remain not only in photos, but also (or perhaps above all) in memory.

Holiday food – making your own provisions has many advantages

Did you know that the average time to prepare a nutritious dinner is 45-60 minutes? In addition, you also need to add the time needed to shop and travel to the store and back home. During the tourist season, the waiting time for a table in a popular restaurant at lunch time can be several or even several dozen minutes, and it must not be forgotten that the ordered dishes do not come out of the kitchen immediately after the waiter accepts the order.

The famous "horror receipts" also work to the detriment of food served in restaurants. A three-digit amount (not necessarily with one in front) for dinner for a family of three is nothing out of the ordinary in tourist destinations. If we wanted to eat at least one meal at a restaurant every day, it might turn out that we would spend the lion's share of our holiday budget on meeting our nutritional needs.

However, sometimes it happens that high quality does not go hand in hand with high price. It happens that even establishments that seem to be of a high standard serve dishes that (to put it mildly) leave much to be desired, not only in terms of taste, but also freshness. Probably every traveler has experienced unpleasant stomach problems at least once in their life after dinner in a restaurant whose appearance did not arouse any suspicion.

At this point, the question arises: why waste time, money and perhaps health when you can do otherwise? There is one good solution - it is worth taking your food from home, along with your luggage. However, it is worth considering what food to take on holiday beforehand.

What food to take on vacation?

People traveling by car have slightly more space at their disposal than people traveling by public transport. However, each trunk has a limited capacity, so it is worth making sure that all your holiday food does not take up too much space. Taking only semi-finished products from which we will prepare meals makes limited sense. Additionally, if we have to prepare meals from scratch, financial savings will not translate into time savings.

So, what to take to eat on holiday? Preferably full-value ready-made meals that will be available to us at any time or that only need to be quickly reheated.

Holiday food – what to take on a trip?

First of all, you should take care of provisions for the journey. Roadside bars, aimed at single customers, are the last places we want to eat, and getting to the chosen destination can take many hours. Without a meal, don't move. Travel food should be handy so that we can have it at hand all the time. Small meals should easily fit in the glove compartments of your car or even in your pocket when you go on holiday by train, bus or plane. They should also be nutritious, but not make you feel overeaten. Another thing, food products typical for summer holidays must withstand higher temperatures well. Even in an air-conditioned car, the conditions are not like those in a refrigerator.

What to take for the trip? Preferably quick snacks in the form of a bar . Eatyx will be a good choice . The composition of this 60 gram bar has been carefully developed in such a way that it can replace a full-value meal. It contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It can be used to replace any dish during the day: breakfast, lunch or dinner.

What to take to eat on holiday?

It's time to answer the most important question when organizing food for holidays - what to take for dinner? A very good idea is to prepare home-made meals in a form that allows them to be transported. Chicken breast cutlets, favorite soups, lecho, dumplings, pasta with sauce - these are just a few examples of home-made dishes that are perfect for home-made holiday dinners for the whole family. However, such meals have a significant drawback. To be able to get them to their destination in a safe condition, we need to have a car refrigerator, and this type of refrigerators are often unreliable and require constant access to electricity.

A much better choice will be quick ready-made meals in the form of an eatyx drink. These are liquid meals that effectively replace a full-fledged dinner, just like the previously mentioned bars. These delicious meals in a bottle are a rich source of nutrients, balanced in appropriate proportions. They contain valuable vitamins and minerals, and their convenient form makes it easy to take them on a trail or to the beach.

People planning active holidays, e.g. in the mountains, should take with them products that will provide them with an additional dose of energy in difficult terrain conditions. The product EATYX HYPER BRAIN IQ Booster 100 ml will be perfect for this role. The supplement in the form of an energizing carbonated drink contains ingredients that effectively increase the body's efficiency, improve concentration and elevate the mood (including magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, ashwagandha extract, guarana extract and caffeine).