food for trekking - 3 proven ideas for a quick snack

jedzenie na trekking - 3 sprawdzone pomysły na szybką przekąskę
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Trekking expeditions are a real treat for outdoor sports enthusiasts. Natural surroundings, fabulous views and challenging routes are the factors that make these types of trips often become an unforgettable adventure. How to prepare for trekking? In addition to appropriate footwear and clothing, be sure to bring nutritious and nutritious snacks. In this article, we present 3 proven ideas for a tasty and quick snack, perfect for trekking expeditions.

    What food to eat for trekking?

    A field trip is not an opportunity to prepare fancy dishes. Trekking food should be, above all, simple, easy to transport and rich in nutrients . It is worth choosing products that do not require the use of cutlery when eating - this will allow you to gain more space in your backpack.

    Processed products are also not recommended for trekking, as they provide the body with energy, but only for a short time. Moreover, highly processed food usually contains large amounts of ingredients with an adverse effect on health, such as sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, dyes and preservatives.

    Wholesome food for trekking provides long-lasting energy, eliminates hunger pangs and allows you to replenish your body's need for nutrients . Thanks to this, we have more strength to overcome subsequent difficulties during expeditions in difficult and demanding terrain.

    Trekking food – proven ideas

    You already know what features the snacks you take trekking should have. Here are examples of products that perfectly fit these characteristics and are therefore ideal ideas for food for trekking :

    1. Easy and quick to prepare sandwiches. Depending on individual preferences, they can be prepared with various additions. It is best to choose dark, whole-grain bread, which has the highest nutritional value.
    2. Due to their high energy value and a large number of ingredients valuable for health, it is worth taking natural dried fruit for trekking. These are products that will provide the body with a large dose of energy, vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits and nuts in the form of nuts, seeds and dried fruits provide a lot of calories in small amounts, so they are a great idea for a quick snack during a short break. What's more, they don't need to be prepared in any way. You can buy dried fruit in almost every grocery store. They are available in convenient, compact packages that are perfect for trekking expeditions.
    3. Healthy meals in the form of bars are also a great snack option for training. You can reach for it whenever you feel hungry. It is very important to carefully check the composition of such a product. It may happen that an item advertised as a healthy bar actually has little to do with health. A good example of a truly nutritious bar snack is the eatyx meal . It is a concentrated dose of nutritional values ​​in a convenient form. Due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals and high protein content, it is an ideal food option for trekking.