how to supplement collagen? we give you a hint!

jak suplementować kolagen? podpowiadamy!
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Joint pain, loss of skin firmness, brittle nails and hair loss - each of these symptoms may indicate that it's time to start collagen supplementation. However, quite often you can come across opinions that preparations containing this ingredient do not work. How does it look in practice? Is it worth supplementing collagen? How to take collagen? We answer each of these questions below.

Ideally, your daily diet should meet your body's total needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, practice shows that composing a daily menu in such a way that the meals cover all our nutritional and vital needs is extremely difficult, perhaps even impossible. It is not only about lack of time, but also about a factor over which we have no influence - the increasingly lower quality of food products. This is where dietary supplements come in handy. Specially developed preparations ensure an adequate supply of microelements, and some also supplement our need for key macronutrients. Most people remember to supplement the most important vitamins and minerals for health, such as B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium. Physically active people eagerly reach for preparations containing protein or carbohydrates. It is surprising, however, that collagen supplementation is often pushed into the background or completely marginalized. This is a serious mistake. Scientific research has proven that capsule or liquid supplements that contain this ingredient can provide many benefits to the body.

Is it worth supplementing collagen?

First of all, it is worth explaining what collagen actually is. This term covers fibrillar (fibrous) protein, which is a key component of the intercellular space. As a building material, collagen occurs in all tissues of the human body, giving specific properties to internal organs, blood vessels, skin, bones, teeth, cartilage and tendons.

Science distinguishes about 30 types of this protein, differing in their function and structure. For example, type I collagen is found in skin, tendons and bones. Type II collagen is present in cartilage, and type IV collagen is present in the basement membrane. This specific protein performs a number of important functions in the body, the most important of which include:

  • tissue integration,
  • filling the space between cells,
  • ensuring the strength and resistance of tissues to stretching,
  • participation in the development and repair of organs and tissues,
  • participation in the wound healing process.

The human body can produce collagen itself. So supplementation is not necessary, right? Well, no! You should be aware of the fact that collagen production occurs in our body only for a certain period of time. This process begins to slow down around the age of 25. Around the age of 50, the body produces only small amounts of low-quality collagen. Around the age of 60, the production of this protein stops.

At this point, it is also worth mentioning that although collagen is constantly produced for some time, it is also degraded, and there are a number of factors that accelerate this process. This is primarily about physical activity that puts strain on tissues and joints, but also about frequent exposure to UV radiation and low or high temperatures, hormonal disorders, genetic factors, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity outdoors. Stress, alcohol abuse and smoking also contribute to increased collagen degradation.

So, do we need collagen? Is it worth supplementing this protein? Of course it is, and it does not only apply to athletes and the elderly.

How to supplement collagen?

Collagen can be delivered to the body in several ways. Some people recommend following a special diet, which includes jellies prepared on the basis of gelatin, a decoction of chicken feet and offal. The problem is that the protein content in such dishes is quite low. Another thing: the body does not store collagen "in stock". This means that if you want to achieve the desired results, you need to include them in your diet for a long time.

So maybe creams, masks and other cosmetics with collagen? This isn't a good idea. It is important to realize that collagen is a large molecule that cannot penetrate the pores of the skin. This is confirmed by the fact that there are no scientific studies that would confirm the effectiveness of products for external use containing collagen.

This does not apply to capsules and liquid supplements. Numerous studies have proven the beneficial effects of such preparations. However, there is a condition - the collagen contained in them must be of high quality and the highest microbiological purity. Importantly, it is not possible to direct collagen to a specific area. It is the body that decides how it will use the supplemented protein. Therefore, it is worth choosing a preparation with a high content of this ingredient.

How to take collagen?

It is important to remember that there are vitamins that increase collagen biosynthesis. Vitamin C is one of them. Therefore, if it is not included in the composition of a given preparation, it is advisable to start additional supplementation. It is also worth taking vitamins B3, B5 and B6 at the same time, which combine perfectly with collagen.

How to supplement collagen? It is best to take the preparation every day, for several to several days. There are no strict recommendations regarding time of day or intake in connection with meals.

Collagen supplementation – what are its effects?

Regular collagen supplementation has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and joints. It accelerates the body's regeneration processes (e.g. after strenuous training or during injury treatment) and supports wound healing.

Are you looking for a collagen supplement of the highest quality? Then you will certainly be interested in our booster , which we have developed specifically to increase the supply of proteins in the diet. eatyx HYPER COLLAGEN 20,000 MG BOOSTER is an innovative product created in advanced technological processes. Contains as many as 20 thousand milligrams of the highest quality beef collagen.

Our next proposition is eatyx HYPER DETOX 360 . We developed this supplement to detoxify the body, but also to improve its appearance, so collagen is an important ingredient.

Remember that if you want to take care of your health in a comprehensive way, you should also supplement the necessary vitamins and minerals. eatyx HYPER VITAMINS AND MINERALS + PROBIOTICS allows you to supplement your daily diet with the necessary ingredients, just like the eatyx HYPER 18 VITAMINS & MINERALS preparation.