Balanced, nutritious cold meals that you can prepare in 10 seconds , all you need is water and a shaker !

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Frequently Asked Questions
Is eatyx cold brew powder vegan?

All cold powdered meals are vegan except the vanilla flavored meal which contains whey protein concentrate (WPC).

Do eatyx cold powdered meals contain added sugar?

No, our products have no added sugar and contain only naturally occurring sugars. We use sucralose or other low-calorie substitutes to produce meals.

Is eatyx cold meal powder gluten-free?

eatyx cold powdered meals may contain traces of gluten.

Will eatyx cold meal powder replace a normal meal?

Definitely! eatyx can replace any meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner. It can also be a snack between meals.

Will I be full after a cold eatyx meal?

Of course. Our cold meals keep you feeling full for up to 5 hours. Remember that the duration of the feeling of satiety depends on your body type, activity level and individual body conditions.


Balanced, nutritious cold meals that you can prepare in...10 seconds, It's enough for youwaterandshaker! Mealseatyxprovide nutrients valuable for health and well-being. They contain easily digestible substancesprotein,fiber, balancedfatsandcarbohydrates, health-promoting estersOmega 3-6-9,adaptogensandprobioticsand also a seriesvitaminsandmineralsin perfect proportions. The meal is available in four flavors to choose from:strawberry,vanilla, chocolateandgreen coffee.

Ready-to-eat cold meals - nutritious "to go" meals

Cold meals from eatyx (formerly FUTURYX FOOD) are innovative and functional dishes that can be eaten anywhere and anytime.They were created in response to the needs of people who lead an intense lifestyle and at the same time want to eat healthily.Eatyx cold meals containcarefully selected ingredients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. The products are based on innovative recipes adapted to the requirements of various diets, both vegan, vegetarian and traditional.

Eatyx powdered cold meals fit perfectly into the dizzying pace of life of modern inhabitants of large cities. You can eat themtake with you to work, school, training or a trip out of town.They are easy to prepare - just pour the sachet with powder into a shaker, mix with water and the meal is ready to eat!

Quick cold dishes – why is it worth it?

Each eatyx cold meal provides a number of health-promoting ingredients.

Products abound inprotein, health-beneficial fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals, probiotics and adaptogens.Additionally, they do not contain artificial colors, preservatives, glucose-fructose syrup or added sugar (only naturally occurring sugars).

Cold meals are a practical solution for everyone who needs proven, tasty and, above all, nutritious and healthy substitutes for traditional dishes. This solution will certainly appeal to people who do not like cooking or do not have time for it, and eating out every day is too financially burdensome for them. Unlike restaurant dishes, every eatyx meal is coldaffordable.

Eatyx cold meal – choose your favorite flavor!

Quick cold dishes are available in 4 flavors. You will find full-value drinks heretaste:

  • vanilla
  • strawberry
  • chocolate
  • green coffee

How to prepare a quick cold dish eatyx?

Eatyx (formerly FUTURYX FOOD) quick cold dishes are quick to prepare. You can prepare an eatyx meal in exactly the same way as a protein shake. Pour the contents of the sachet into a shaker with 500 ml of cold water. After 10 seconds, a nutritious meal is ready to eat!

Will eatyx cold ready meals replace any meal?

Yes, an eatyx cold meal can replace any dish. It can be consumed as part of breakfast, second breakfast, lunch or dinner. The content of nutrients in the products means that their caloric value is similar to traditional dishes, but their advantage is carefully selected and balanced ingredients that comprehensively nourish the body.

Eatyx quick cold dishes (formerly FUTURYX FOOD) are therefore very convenient to use, especially for people who ensure the correct supply of nutrients in their daily menu.

Are eatyx quick cold dishes healthy?

eatyx cold dishes were created with the nutrition of the future in mind. It is a functional food that combines the power of natural ingredients with the latest achievements in nutritional biotechnology. eatyx is 100% healthy and nutritious dishes, providing all the ingredients necessary for the body. They completely change the face of dishes quickly, becoming a health-promoting and at the same time quick alternative to traditional meals.

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